We have offered to our wrestlers, a chance to tell our fans about their wrestling experience and what it means to them. Defending state champion is the first to offer his views. Thanks Austin.
Austin wrestling in the Red/White Scrimmage last week at Southern High School |
Wrestling, by Austin Shaffer
The first thing I realized about high school wrestling my freshman year was, that in comparison to youth wrestling, the camaraderie among teammates and the willingness to be a better wrestler and to work harder was exponentially increased. There wasn't a single aspect about it that I didn't find enjoyable. Every year I find myself wrestling a little harder, running a little faster, and striving to achieve more. When you are truly passionate about something and know that you've found something that you want to be involved in for the rest of your life, it changes you. You stop being the young, brash, impetuous knucklehead, and you start becoming the mature, driven, responsible person that sets the example for others. That's life. And wrestling, more than anything else, has helped me to become that person a little more each year. I owe so much to my coaches, my family, and my friends. Time and time again, they have proven their loyalty and have never stopped believing in my abilities. I can never repay them for their undying support.
A little acknowledgement for a great accomplishment last March. |
This year, I have three personal goals; win states again, go undefeated, and achieve my place in Southern Garrett Wrestling history by entering the 100 Win Club. For me, these goals represent an accumulation of my other years of high school wrestling. With hard work and dedication, I'll hopefully have 150 wins by the end of my Senior year. High School will not be the end though, I definitely plan to wrestle in college. This year is crucial to me and my future, and with the help of my coaches, teachers, and family members, I know that I will be able to achieve whatever I set my mind to.
Austin with senior co-captain Cooper McCauley at a tournament in the fall |
For my fellow teammates, I have the highest of hopes for you every year as I know what each and every one of you are capable of and I know that you can shock everybody with your abilities. There is no doubt in my mind, that as long as we want it more than all the other teams, and never stop wrestling, we can make everyone acknowledge and recognize how much of a formidable force Southern Wrestling is to be reckoned with.
By: Austin Shaffer
Awesome! Love the "never give up" attitude! Hard work + great attitude = Southern's Success! Best of luck to our Southern Ram Wrestlers this season! Can't wait to watch you all tear it up!